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News and blog

Discover more tips and best practice for using digital tools to support children and young people in our blog.

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Why Digital Youth Mental Health?

It’s no longer possible for us to support a child or young person’s (CYP) mental health without thinking about the online environment. This includes being…

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Loneliness in the Digital World

By Dr Zhuoni Xiao, Research Fellow, and Sarah Robertson, Youth Engagement Lead, on behalf of the Loneliness in the Digital World team, Generation Scotland. Loneliness…

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Social Media Series – YouTube

This is the first blog in a special social media series looking at popular social media platforms that are used by children and young people….

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Gaming and Mental Health

Gaming is extremely popular with children and young people: 57% of UK children aged 3-15 play games online and 38% of those 16+ do (Ofcom,…

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What is sextortion and how can we protect young people from it?

Sextortion has been in the news a lot lately. Increasing reports of young people being targeted and the devastating consequences that this can have on…

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Image of square blocks with a shield painted in the centre and the words "safety" written in the middle

11 Online Safety Resources

When we think about children and young people going online, often one of our main concerns is making sure that they are safe and have…

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Children and young people are being left behind – here’s what we can do about it

By Jane Grant, Health Improvement Lead, and Laura Hills, Health Improvement Senior, NHSGGC, on behalf of the Aye Mind Collaborative  “Access to the digital world…

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Screen time and mental health: What does the evidence say?

There is an ongoing and heated debate around the impact that “screen time” is having on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. This…

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Ten digital tools to help with anxiety

Anxiety is a normal emotion. All of us can feel it, but sometimes it can get out of control and can lead to a mental…

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