Think technology is ruining our sleep? Think again
A guest blog written for World Sleep Day by Dr Dimitri Gavriloff, Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Course Tutor in Sleep Medicine at Oxford University. Dimitri also works as Clinical Engagement Lead for Sleepio.
“I know I shouldn’t be using my phone.…” is something I often hear from the patients I see with insomnia. I wonder if in some sense my clinical consultations function a bit like a confessional for certain people, where through being honest about their perceived technological transgressions they may experience a brief catharsis. A bit of relief from the unrelenting blame game that we play as we navigate our complex relationship with the technology that now seems to be a key part of our day to day (and night to night) lives. Although it’s becoming clearer that aspects of this relationship, such as our collective addiction to social media, and our smartphones can get in the way of sleep, and indeed probably gets in the way of a great deal of life in general, we should be careful not to tar all technology with the same brush.
Insomnia is a problem that affects around one in ten of us. Someone who consistently and chronically has difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking too early, and for whom it begins to significantly impact their daytime function, can be said to be suffering from insomnia. And although spending too much time on your smartphone or binge-watching the latest Netflix series is unlikely to be helping you get back to sleep, it’s similarly unlikely to be the source of your insomnia.
A relatively simple and easy model to help us understand how insomnia becomes a problem was developed in 1986 by Arthur Spielman. Known as the 3P Model, it represents the likelihood of developing insomnia, how it starts, and the course it runs using ‘predisposing’, ‘precipitating’ and ‘perpetuating’ factors. It suggests that there are certain predispositions that those who go on to develop insomnia may have that make an individual vulnerable to developing the problem. When the touch paper is lit by a trigger (a ‘precipitant’), such as a life stressor, this model suggests that a period of sleep problems will then follow. These are then continued (perpetuated) by changes to the way the individual thinks and feels about their sleep and the things they do in relation to their sleep problem.
The evidence-based treatment approach for this problem is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Insomnia. It sets out to help the individual break free from the perpetuating factors which are keeping them awake at night, through a range of different treatments that will ultimately help them sleep better. As effective as the treatment approach is, and it certainly is effective for the majority of those with insomnia, it’s not often the case that someone experiencing sleep problems can pop down to see their GP and get ready access to this 1st line recommended treatment.
Interestingly, here’s where technology may actually hold the answer to doing away with this postcode lottery, ensuring that everyone with insomnia can access the treatment that they need. Sleepio, a digital CBT programme for insomnia that’s accessible via a web-browser, phone and tablet, is available to all adults (those aged 18+) in Scotland for free. Sleepio delivers CBT in a fun and engaging manner, using voice and animation across six sessions of treatment, much like seeing a therapist face to face, to address sleep issues and Insomnia.
So far Sleepio has helped tens of thousands of people across Scotland with their Insomnia and poor sleep, from the Outer Hebrides to Dumfries and Galloway! So perhaps we’ve been wrong all along, and technology isn’t actually the enemy of sleep after all. In fact, it might just hold the promise of helping us get a better night’s sleep.
If you or someone you know or support is struggling with their sleep, Sleepio can be accessed by visiting You can start the programme instantly and learn applied techniques that can put the problem to bed, once and for all!
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