Eating disorder one-to-one webchat
About this tool
Beat, an eating disorder charity, runs a secure instant messaging service where people can talk one-to-one with a Beat Helpline Advisor. They will listen to an individual’s concerns in a non-judgemental way and help them to decide on their best next step. Please note, they do not provide medical advice.
Everything that is communicated in the chat is kept confidential, other than in exceptional circumstances. This includes if the person using the chat is suspected to be at risk for harm, either from themselves or others.
How it works
Beat’s Advisors are highly trained, and are available to talk to anyone affected by an eating disorder via a secure one-to-one webchat. An individual doesn’t need to have a formal diagnosis in order to use the chat.
The chat is available 365 days a year – as soon as an advisor is available, they will write back.
This service is free.
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